Teams 2024-2025 Season
16U - Juan Loza IG: combatbaseball_16u
15U - Pete Sandoval IG: combatbaseball_15u_sandoval
14U -Eddie Alviso IG: combatsooftball_14U_Alviso
14U - Greg Claborn IG: Combatbaseball_14u_Claborn
14U - Ozzie Delmuro IG: combatbaseball_14u_Delmuro
13U - Alex Arzola IG: combatbaseball_13u_ar
13U - Marco Sanchez IG: combatbaseball_13U_National
12U -Eddie Alviso IG: combatsooftball_12u_Alviso
12U -Carlos Garcia IG: combatbaseball_12U_Garcia
12U - Manny Salamanca IG: combatbaseball_12u_Salamanca
11U - Albert Flores IG: combatbaseball_11u_Flores
10U - Marco Sanchez IG: combatbaseball_10u_sanchez
10U - Nick Landeros IG: combatbaseball_10u_landeros
9U - Jesse Sanchez IG: combatbaseball_9u_Sanchezj
If you have a player looking to join an existing team, please complete this form for us and someone will get back to you ASAP : Combat Registration Form
We are also always looking for good managers. We can help you form a team, or you can bring an existing team over: Combat Coaching